

Some people still consider runoff and the other environmental side-effects to pesticides a reason to avoid them, though.

What does that even mean? Seems so vague to me.

Regardless of the lack of features you speak of, iPad is the only tablet that feels complete; like a finished product. I haven't heard anyone disagree with that. Sure, you can't run SNES emulators without jailbreaking it and the notification system sucks. But what the reviewer is saying is that Apple knows how to make

Yay technology!


The new jack is 100% compatible with the headphones we've been using. It just makes the jack take of less space inside the device. Calm down, dude.

Yeah, this confuses me. I've always been able to get it for free. Maybe only the newest one gives these multitouch features? and the newest one must be purchased? Let's promote Pressure's comment.

Precisely. And hindsight is 20/20. Apple stock just as easily could have tanked, but your iPod is pretty much guaranteed to be awesome.

What's scary (for Nintendo) is that the same people that love these type of "quick-fix" games are what made Nintendo so successful these past few years. Empty, albeit satisfying, games like Wii Sports are played by the same people that play Angry Birds: people that don't play video games, but play... well, video

Text messages on iPhone now give two quick vibrations instead of one, making them instantly distinguishable. Awesome!

So I understand why you have a star, but how did Xoom-Boy get one? Also, as I previously mentioned, Sunspider isn't dual-core capable. So real world tests on iPad 2 should have greater gains.

Apparently SunSpider is not a multi-core enabled benchmarking tool, while Safari obviously can take advantage of both cores. So performance gains should be much more obvious in the real world.

I agree. Very well put.

Good point. Ugh, I was totally going to get this one but now I don't know.

I'm saying the iPhone is running apps that aren't constantly being run on iPad such as Messages and Phone.

I'm hearing 512 MB everywhere. Hope that's not true considering iPhone 4 has that. But iPhone 4 multitasks more than iPad does since it's a phone, so maybe 1 GB is unnecessary.

I originally thought that, but a ton of great features are surfacing, such as AirDrop. And Mission Control ROCKS.

It's worth noting that with a Mac you don't need a crossover cable. Just a regular ethernet cable will do as the computer is intelligent enough to compensate.

Did you read the article? It's an intel technology implemented by Apple.