
i wish it worked on my iPad... Safari just crashes every time. Make an App, Google!

@erawsd: ahh, thanks for clearing that up. I knew I must've been missing something.

2 TB SD cards?! where the hell have I been and how much do they cost??

I wonder if this has to do with the retina display, though. Shouldn't that use more RAM? I can't imagine Apple releasing the new iPhone and make the iPad look comparably slower!

@Nitemancometh: The point the author was making was not about milking. It was about Sega licensing their games (namely Sonic) to other companies since they're not in the hardware business

@FriarNurgle: There'd be a new one every 2 months that's just barely good enough to make you purchase it again! It'd be horrible! But also amazing.

@mrgibblechip: it's not overkill when you load backups of every dvd you own onto your ps3. it's amaaazing.

I'm no scientist, but I feel like by stopping hurricanes, we're only asking nature to make even worse hurricanes that we can't stop. It's just like, the cycle of life, duuuude.

@Nathan Obbards: The band sticks out in the front and back so when you place it the actually phone kind of "floats" above the surface. It looks like nothing but it's actually a very minimalistic way to protect the phone a great deal. It should also definitely prevent the glass from shattering when dropped.

@archercc: I really like it! I mean, the phone definitely looks sexier without it but I'd say it's the best looking case possible. I love how it's just a band!

hahahahaha!! they think they can compete with an iPhone launch?? This is like when Palm released the Pre on (or around) the same day as Apple released the 3Gs... and we all know what happened with Palm...

THAT IS SO AWESOME. Sorry. I'm too excited to say anything worthwhile.

It's funny how it kind of did get #2...

@bloknayrb: There's a reason no other company could get away with it. It's because no other company has an OS or app store as good. Apple (and every other company) improves when there's competition. Android phones started to catch up so Apple released what I believe to be a huge leap. Sure, some other phones have