
I feel like this was a huge leap. The redesign of the case is huge in itself in my opinion. Only time will tell if the new antenna design will really help but Apple wouldn't advertise it if it wasn't something with a great benefit. On top of that there's 720 HD video capture, a front facing cam for video chat,

@Schalliol: Exactly. Specs really don't mean much. It's all about the user experience, and while specs can contribute to that in part, the software/hardware tie is what really makes iPhone so great. Android OS can do more but iOS just feels so much better.

@vf34wrx: how are we screwed again?? The new iPad hasn't even come out yet and won't for a while. You still have a great device. With that logic, the people who bought a 3Gs also got screwed... Technology is always improving.

@BadPlasmid: To be fair, every other case costs around that much too... Phone cases are always a ton of money.

that's how i likes it!

now i'm wishing i had gotten the 3G model... Although mounting the iPad in my car would be quite a task.