Insinuating the current president, elected by a majority of his peers, is not American and therefore not allowed to be president because of the color of his skin is in essence giving a middle finger to the entire country. Nice try.
Insinuating the current president, elected by a majority of his peers, is not American and therefore not allowed to be president because of the color of his skin is in essence giving a middle finger to the entire country. Nice try.
That's kind of what I'm saying. He realized how it would sound (did sound), and then rephrased it. Deep down I'm sure he'd like to stick with the original, but it behooves him not to. ETA, they just showed it on ESPN, that's what he said.
White billionaire expresses discontent about the treatment of the black community= Presidential material. Black millionaire expresses discontent about the treatment of the black community= traitor, ungrateful ignoramus. Nothing to see here, nope.
Eh, I think he realized disagreeing with the motivation was more racism denial, which wouldn't look good with his players. He did say motivation first.
God I hope someone brings up these inconsistencies in the MSM. When met with a instance of a individual's grievance, his answer appears to be much different than when speaking about that same thing in generalizations. Shocking!
Is it Florida? because we do exist. I've been trolling my facebook page with BLM and Kaepernick stuff just to see where people lie. Surprisingly I haven't had many bites. Either I chose my friends well or they can be bothered. It's probably both. Also, this whole not pushing back shit is really annoying. I don't go…
Kelly Slater is part Syrian, which is good enough for me.
That it is, in fact, a state - in the USA.
I feel like it’s natural as well, it’s just... unseemly. Ownership is probably too strong a word but it works somewhat well in this context. I was disappointed when Stana Katic got married, but shouldn't I be happy for her? I'm probably more happy for him ;).
For reals. I used to get a little bummed when an actress I thought was pretty got married. Like wtf, why should I even care. Oh right, I’m a man, and American. I'm getting better I swear.
Everyone knows he stole it from Newton. Jk. Voltaire really did a number on that man's legacy.
Leibniz was full of shit, this is not the best of all possible worlds. Or if it is holy fuck the cosmos has set the bar low.
They need a third commentator and since they already have Randy Jackson level commentary what they need now is their Simon Cowell type.
I'm not a huge fan of her either, but me thinks these hackers are not fans of hers for entirely different reasons. This is just number 5,572,890 in why we can't have nice things.
Jefferson is the world’s greatest troll. I think he knew what he was getting us into and that it was unavoidable.
They should just build an entire Olympic facility in the middle of nowhere. No city, no culture, no nothing. I suggest they build it next to that flaming pit in Kazakhstan. When they're done they can just throw all of it in. Repeat again in 4 years.
I guess someone should point out that Trump has played football, Clinton has not. Whoops.
It's a common misconception that Walt Disney's last words were "Kurt Russell", they were actually "Kirk Douglas". Kirk knows why.
Some say he maintains his youthful exuberance by walking out into a thunderstorm, once a year, and getting himself struck by lightning. Others understand this is ridiculous, lightning is still reeling from the first time it struck the man.