what the what

Bless you. You made me laugh in between dry heaves. I needed that.

Can’t sleep, clowns will grab my pussy.

Has... has he ever seen himself?

Is he not aware of what he looks like? From where I stand, he looks like somebody drew Mick Jagger’s face on a corn husk.

Exactly. though I imagine he’s infinitely less offended by MEN who dare to be anything less than breathtaking...

6: Calmly place a gun on the table in front of you. All interruptions will stop and everyone will become very active listeners.

A MILLION TIMES THIS. What is wrong with people not knowing how to clean every part of themselves like a grown-ass adult? No one wants to smell you. Clean your ass every 24 hours and stop assaulting my nostrils. Jesus Christ on high.

After seeing so many people say they don’t wash their legs. But, really, y’all motherfuckers need Jesus. And soap. Lots of soap.

Diana Ross and Digimon is where it’s at.

You’re missing the subtle point illustrated here. He’s a FUCKING LOSER because he works in a chain restaurant and he’s kinda ugly. Got divorced and now he’s got the balls to work and try to support his family? I stand firmly with Jezebel and proudly say “Just kill yourself Mr. Gosselin”