what the what

Michigan only has 17.6% reporting. Wayne County hasn’t been counted yet.

12 month wrap up, wrap wrap wrap up!

I am so with you on this—maybe it’s because I’m an old, but I always think, go *do* something, create, make it different. Stop remaking 80's tv shows into movies, stop shaving just the sides of your hair, and good god!, stop wearing those wide legged raver pants!

It makes me a little uncomfortable when we start talking about “well documented mental health issues”. One can control their behaviors, not their biology. If someone has demonstrated that they cannot handle a right or privilege, then by all means we should restrict access. But to deny access based on a diagnosis seems

It was tough to contain my rage last night when the contestants trashed the Big Brother house. I was hoping they’d have to clean it up. They did not.

Handmaiden’s Towel?

YES!!! I also just posted about Jon Lovitz on another thread. If he’s mentioned one more time, he’ll show up.

I really have no idea who this person is, but this legit made me fall in love with him. Thank you.

I’m surprised that we haven’t gotten John Lovitz in the grotto pics yet. Apparently, older and less than perfect bodies are only attractive when donning a captain’s hat and carrying satchels of money.

Honestly, not that it matters, but I thought the lady she violated had it going on. I don’t really see what’s so notable about this woman’s body. I mean, not that it would be ok if her body was unusual, I just...don’t really get it. Like, is she shocked that don’t all have double z bolt-ons or something? And I’m not