
I'm on board with this comment. My kinja wishlist includes:

One more question is comment searching. Previously, you might want to find a comment in relation to a single word; which is where you would use a ctrl+F find to 'search' the comments. This doesn't seem possible now, beyond reading each comment. Any thoughts/notes that might be available or helpful?

Here's a question: Are there keyboard shortcuts to navigate comments? Plans to roll them out? I don't mind the format, I just don't want to have to rely on the mouse.

I completely agree. Some things are important, but there are some things you need flexibility to enjoy and take the time where time is needed. Worried about a vacation this month that has been overplanned by one of the parties involved...

I'm wondering how this is different to the cached map abilities that were already available.

Dolphin has been running away in the background and ending in a force close recently, so I'll give this a shot. Anyone else been having trouble with Dolphin as of late?

Fair 'nuf. I have a feeling that once the 'beta' goes away and the community builds a little bit, this will warrant another look.

Chill out Lori. A couple notes from a fellow Tasker user: 1. beta 2. free 3. the recipes are all that are prebuilt, but you can still write your own (or copy other users) 4. beta again for emphasis. Cut them some slack, eh? Tasker is great, but I'm not opposed to having a new set of tools & new community. One gripe I

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In response to the Google one, I'm pretty sure that Google did this to Listen a long time ago and just never told anyone.

I agree. Layout is better than CamScanner and you can take multiple pictures before going to the post processing screens. Both are good, but Handy is handier.

Better than CamScanner. I have used both for my travel receipts. Handy Scanner does multiple photos at the same time instead of doing each post-processing after each picture. Also, I like the layout a little better.

Steampix! Haha, sounds like they're catering to the lonely traveling salesman market. I my lady saw a montly charge for "steampix" on my bill, there would be hell to pay.

American who lived in Canada in 2011 here. My experience is that GV worked great for calls/texts from the computer (as you state), however GV did not allow the addition of Canadian phone numbers (outside of the test case, Calgary). It was very, very handy to have GV for calls to the US, however it was less useful for

I usually use the American English, punctuation inside way. I sometimes get tripped up with sentences that are questions, but the sentence ends in a quote. Like this:

I was under the impression that Chrome has been a memory hog from the start, which is how it achieves its speed. But I guess I may not have been paying attention.

Another alternative would be autohotkey. I believe the code for remap is "::" and here's a list of keynames.