What do you think the chances are that this will be released/ported to the 2.x family? I hope CM9 is coming along quickly so I can get my hands on this.
What do you think the chances are that this will be released/ported to the 2.x family? I hope CM9 is coming along quickly so I can get my hands on this.
The seat belt thing reminded me of a random thing. When I was 10, I got in a car accident on a family trip (I wasn't driving) and we had a bunch of produce from my grandparent's in the back seat. Everything happened pretty fast, but I remember a freeze frame, like a picture in my mind; there was a tomato about a foot…
Another tip: search for tour books that fit with your style of travel. When backpacking in New Zealand, the Fodor's guide was beyond useless for us while an independent writer's book (see link) was basically our bible and got us to the really cool places that are completely overlooked by the big tour books.
I think a 10 year old chipset is more likely to be a problem than the read-write times. If the memory has been upgraded, I'd agree with the OP as the motherboard/CPU is the best option. Since the old dell probably has old tech (DDR2 vs new DDR3 memory, CPU pin #'s have changed, IDE vs SATA cords on your harddrive) and…
I think the big distintion that people fail to make is the difference between nerds and the socially inept. The two groups may contain a large population in both, but there are certainly nerds that are socially awesome. Also, I might have used the word geek in place of nerd, which leads me to this image...
FYI: OTA HD is only broadcast at 1080i or less (more equivalent picture to 720p than to 1080p). Not that it really matters, you're getting a great picture for free; I just hope some Leon's or Futureshop salesman lied to you.
This only goes to show that SOPA was completely unnecessary. The gov't has the tools to make significant gains against lawbreaking sites already. I'm kind of happy they're finally making some gains since SOPA would have been really detrimental to the internet. This is at least focused and based on megaupload's deal,…
Seems a little too easy. It's a trap!
Haha. When I saw it, I thought: "This is definitely a Kiwi doing this."
I've got the PRS-T1 (new wifi version) and my gf has the PRS650. She loves her's and I love the PRS-T1. I picked it up for $120.
People who were self aware in the 90's and 2000's start their sentences with capitalized words, don't caps lock proper nouns, and spell "you" differently. I'm not saying your arguments aren't valid. I'm just saying that I couldn't properly pay attention to them. Respect your own words by using them correctly.
Your comment is funny. It is funny because it was edited a few minutes after it was posted, yet it is still remains complete nonsense.
"That we should try to destroy the Phone itself has not yet entered into his darkest dream."
I'm curious too. This one has the trump card of being free (cleanmymac is $30 or $15/6mo).
Any idea about how you might be able to do this with megashares/wupload/fileserve/filesonic/etc?
I wonder how the study handled renters with utilities included. I fall in this camp, but only because my utilities column is blank. I don't have home phone, cable, or extravagant internet (3Mbps is fast enough for all my gaming and streaming needs).
vote: deviantart
Grraaaaaahhhhhh! Chaaaaaange!!!
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