

Here's a first world security problem for you. I'm currently being very stupid about it and maybe someone can help.

I'd like an answer to this too. From what I can tell, Launchpad is to help iPhone users get used to their new Macbooks.

Number of cores is going to give your more or less performance. the socket is if the chip will even fit onto your motherboard. The northbridge is now usually integrated into the CPU chip now (i.e. your main processor). This seems to be the case for 2011 AMD Fusion or anything after Sandy Bridge Intel chips. The

So...kinda like what the baddie did in Tomorrow Never Dies.

Does anyone know how to get Camera Zoom FX to play nice with the Google Plus Instant Upload?

Also playing with it now. I've been very disappointed with my default camera for my Dinc2 and the other alternatives I've tried. $5 is a bit steep for something so basic and with so many alternatives out there, but this comes closest to being a complete replacement without having the feature-set get in the way of the

Does anyone else feel that this entire affair is straight out of bizzarro world?

South of the Boarder! just kidding, don't do it.

Yes. All Chrome settings are maintained (links, extensions, etc).

Yeah. I imagine showing this video to Leeloo in The Fifth Element and she wouldn't have come around to save the earth. This is worse than war footage in my 'I hate humanity' scale.

Along the same lines, I use the macncheese with a grilled jalapeno and corn (frozen). Add some red pepper flakes. Baby, you got yourself a stew going.

I don't see a negative here. Compete for my money, you streaming companies. Dance, monkeys, dance.

I've always been a fan of taking some time and just playing with the thing. Go through everything and write down the stuff that you run across that's 'cool, I should remember that.' Take tons of pictures and think of the uses that the different options would be handy for. As for actual photography/composition, I think

That is certainly good news. I lived there 2009-early 2010 and it was pretty rough. Then again, I was backpacking and an extra box of TimTams felt like an extravagance. I hope to go back as soon as life will allow it.

After living for a while in New Zealand, I can safely say that this is pretty much the first time that New Zealand is not significantly behind when it comes to the internet. No offense to the genuinely wonderful people I met down there, but they just don't know how to be responsible Facebook denizens.

It will change. But not until the cable companies can properly monazite the opportunity...going at their present pace, I'd guess it will happen in 4 years (and $4800 later).

Agreed. Also, I've been using the google talk app for video chat (it's only available for nexus s, I think, though I have a modified version on my cyanogenmod rom). Once they get that going for the rest of the android lineup, watch out!

I spent way too long looking for scripts that did this. Sweet sassy molassy I'm happy about this development. And it is done intelligently & unobtrusively. Bravo, Mr. Alex K.