@tylerf: Also, if you strap a piece of buttered toast to the back of a cat, you get a perpetual motion machine.
@tylerf: Also, if you strap a piece of buttered toast to the back of a cat, you get a perpetual motion machine.
@tylerf: Agreed.
@Seeräuber Jenny: I feel like at the jobs I've been at, you are pretty safe unless you've been warned. Unless it's something egregious that opens huge, obvious security holes. I just don't see getting fired for using Chrome instead of IE. Downloading a bunch of porn or movies on bittorrent is a different story.
@AustinFound: oooh, I get it.
Ooh, or an automated blinds-opener. That would work pretty well if your room gets good sun and you don't want to wake up at 6:30.
@im2fools: I can't believe you would bring that up "im2fools." :)
If Farmville is a Google OS app, then Google has overstepped their bounds and we'd have to take the beast down.
My girlfriend uses her TracFone with GVoice. Works like a charm.
Google would do well to influence Android producers to keep the iterations and various phone names to a minimum. It's getting a little ridiculous. I'm paying attention as I'll be up to buy a new phone soon. If they can get this as well as the Android version fragmentation under control everyone would thank them for…
@jupiterthunder: Another reason is you're an established GV user and you want to retain your GV # while adding the voip functionality of Sipgate. I'm just installing now, but I'm probably only going to use Sipgate until GV voip starts and not a day more.
@aaneel: Agreed and to tack on to #4, you don't even need to stop to review it by the on-field staff. Rugby union and league have video refs that replay big plays. The call is looked at and sent down to the ref on the field. It takes no time and everyone knows that it's the right call so there's no refuting that…
@huh989: nope, but my Parallels is XP so maybe someone with Vista/7 could try.
@headc4se: if i could heart, i would.
I want this so hard for OS X. Testing it out in Parallels...
I'm currently unacquainted with Peter Serafinowicz. This is so full of win, I'll have to look him up.
to AT&T: too little, too late. I'm leaving you and your shenanigans.
@TheFlyingFish: Thanks, I'll play around with it. Maybe it would be fine to run on some other input since Chrome's update is so hidden.
I'm not sure if this is a problem on Windows, but on OS X, whenever Chrome updates, it refreshes it's Application icon. I have a custom set of icons that I'm using and it's pretty annoying that Chrome is the odd one out because it changes back to the normal icon every few days.
No OSX support? Anyone have an alternative?
@dfxdeimos: I wonder if it will go back to the way it was (like it is now) after this phase of mainframe style cloud computing.