
Wonderful news, but when? I'm just dying to get this. I joined GV after Giz5 was purchased so I'm out as far as voip goes until this gets rolled out.

Please, oh, please let the carriers institute rollover data if unlimited plans are going the way of the dodo.

@stavius: So much wasted space! You could fit maybe 2 or 3 physical qwerty's on the side of that puppy.

@grewal12: But you don't know what you like! Steve hasn't told you yet! You can't be trusted to make this decision ;)

Safari, meet IE. IE, meet Safari. I have a feeling you guys will hit it off since you have so much in common.

I'm loving hundred pushups. Added the regimen to my google calendar and am now on week 6.

@freakshowtime: I love Google for their take on such things. They rarely are the first to do things. But when they do, they do it as the users would want them to be done (from the start). This is demonstrated by the Chrome team's commitment to cleanness. Browser actions vs page actions...perfection.

Anyone know when pinned tabs will get incorporated? I've become attached to my dev version features.

@okneil: Image upload failed...but I definitely have the option in Chrome for Mac. Right in the general Preferences panel. "Display home button" checkbox.

Is Lifehacker doing away with the "Windows:" at the start of these download centric posts?

Where are the comments?!

I like it. Any thoughts on how to do this with Google Tasks or a todo.txt?

For tip 2, may I suggest getting on board with [] for some motivation to do pushups. I find it much easier to get pushups done if I have a goal number in my mind.

Remember, the 3,o00 miles for a oil change is a myth! It's 5,000 or more for modern oils. I know LH readers probably know this already, but doesn't hurt to reiterate.

@humperdinck: Is that a violin I hear? Let me get you a tissue.

@huh989: Also, what's up with the comment links? It's super screwy recently!