
I've been using tinychat for 1-on-1 private meetings (the normal tinychat publishes your room in the public API). However recently I haven't been able to get it to work! I can join the url, the other party can join the url, but we aren't connecting for some reason.

Putting this out there again if you want to join Dropbox. Extra 250MB for you; extra 250MB for me!

250MB for you, 250MB for me :)

What's the fullscreen url for normal browsers? I've been playing around with the best way to work my task list. Chrome plugin is nice, but i'm trying to keep my plugin area cleaner (it is getting a little packed)

Nice, maybe Gawker could integrate this with their picture upload for comments with pictures that are too big?

@davidofsweden: I certainly hope not. "Binary diff" is used in a ton of applications to check if anything has been changed quickly and easily. We used it at the software company I worked for to see what had changed between versions of code.

@RenRen: If only there were some link that I could share that would upgrade my bank account...

@davidofsweden: Yeah, one program that would benefit from this is Apple's Mail program. When I was abroad recently, under strict MB consumption limits, Mail would download everything from my gmail seemingly multiple times. This is a great feature.

@RenRen: Smooth! Wish I thought of that!

My "one windows app" is Steam. I'll stick with boot camp until later this week (knocks on wood) when Steam for OS X comes. Luckily most of the games that I play regularly are Valve and they'll port over :).

@battra92: Hasn't Dell made big strides in laptop quality recently. I know a few years ago (presumably more than 3 years) they were shit connected to a battery, but I had heard they stepped their game up. Maybe that has something to do with it?

Any word on expiration date?

Pretty much all New Zealand toilets are dual flush. I'm really surprised that they aren't more common here in the states since it seems like such an easy thing to design and implement.

Shoot with the left hand? And do what with the right hand? Shoot more!!!!

@dragonskin: If it's a USB 2.0 or eSATA enclosure, then it doesn't matter. There are no slave/master titles. It will be recognized as a USB drive at either setting.