The ultimate double bluff!
The ultimate double bluff!
The emails were not from Hillary, not from her server, not from her investigation. They were not marked classified, the FBI is merely investigating if there was any classified information in them. There is no indication that there was classified information in them.
Comey is merely informing Congress that they’re…
“Royal Towing, the towing company involved, has called and apologized to Montgomery, and offered to pay to have the transmission serviced, but wanted the videos taken offline.”
It happened more than once.
Does this include being there for the cameraman to zoom in on her nipple in the last few seconds of that clip?
“Oh, so now every time a bucket is micturated into in this town, it’s my responsibility?” The Big Popovich
Pop/Duncan 2016 - Make America Post Up Again
i blame video game, the walking dead, etc. used to be a guy would gently lay the ball in the cup, say the pledge of allegiance, and shake hands with the opposing coach before hustling back “on d”. Now Glenn is dead. Rims are bleeding. It is madness, this culture of dunking.
Dallas Mavericks and former Golden State Warriors center Andrew Bogut’s political beliefs are exactly what you would expect them to be.
Did you just all lives matter me
“we base those electoral college votes on states, rather than on population”
Is the prize a perpetual system of men raping women and getting away with it because society broadly either supports the victims or makes excuses for the perp without any mind for the evidence?
From Diana’s reporting it sounds like Doe was disputing whether she sent those texts to Rose because she was supposedly passed out. She stated that she didn’t text that way, and the defense used previous texts with similar language to refute that. So I they may be using that example to tarnish her character with the…
the burden of proof is on the plaintiff in civil cases. They confused plaintiff with prosecution, but it is also a big part of American civil cases.
Putting the burden of proof on the prosecution instead of the defendant Is a big part of American law.
How else would you try a case where the facts are in dispute and either one party or both parties are lying?
Werly does a lot of work on it:
+1. She’s also doing a fantastic job presenting information about the case in an impartial and factual manner, which I know many would find difficult to do.
Ya, fuck that whole innocent until proven guilty thing, ammirite?
Diana thank you for keeping this story front & center, it is not really being reported on that heavily.