Uh huh

This disappoints me. I was hoping Weiner and Clinton had been engaged in a bit of the old cybersex at some point and now it was all finally coming out.

“Raising the minimum wage and strengthening unions are two obvious ways to combat this dynamic.”

Weird, there’s no boos in the audio. Any old thing these days, eh?

Lol okay.

Or, y’know, describes that he’s black which he is.

Yeah, he’s from Australia...let’s use that stereotype instead.

...I think it goes without saying that I’m sorry it happened to her. There’s nothing in my post to indicate otherwise. At the same time, cops can only work off of clues. Why would they follow up? To say “yep, still no clues.”

So you had no description of who did that to you? How would the police or anyone else ever be able to find or catch the guy? That’s not a failure on the part of law enforcement. That’s just what happens when they don’t have a description of anyone to find.

Huh, funny, it bums me out for Derrick Rose and I don’t even care for the guy.

Wait, it’s been how many years and you STILL haven’t read all the information indicating that the mayor and governor were 90% to blame?


And they were, all over Jamaica mostly. 10s of thousands actually.

Exactly, they’re definitely going to bring up his past. No reason they shouldn’t bring up hers. I’ve been away for a bit since Gawker went down but it’s good to see the writers here are still advocating guilty until proven innocent for the wealthy and famous. /s

And he didn’t even beat up any of the camera peeps. Good one, Steve!

Huh, it’s almost like these are two totally different contexts.

It seems perverse to me that you don’t actually care what really happened.

“Bringing justice”

That’s not at all how terrorism works in the ME or North Africa where it mostly occurs. This is the most bougie interpretation of the cycle of violence I’ve ever seen.

I wonder if the spade avatar you have is any hint as to the reason for this really fucking weird response.

I can’t stand Hillary but that’s the kind of thing she’s supposed to have on hand. It’s not craven, it’s being prepared.