Uh huh

You’re talking about Clinton without even meaning to.

Glad to see Hillary will be taking Republican donor money now. Just keep moving to the Left, Hillary, at least you’re not Trump!

“Fanboy faves” spoken like a true millennial or a malcontent who should probably be imprisoned. Everyone who matters (ie was alive when it came out) loved the original Ghostbusters.

Isn’t that what happens to all villains who fight Batman? Sounds like equality to me!

Because she thinks he’s her property. Oh no, wait, because money.

The perfect man to judge the Sack Slayer.

This has never bothered me. I don’t know why it bothers other people so much.

I didn’t know the “Gawker Stalker” program was back in full swing.

They’ve already been rejected. Cruz lost.

So there’s racist trump voters and everyone else, two Americas eh? Well done.

This is the post of a man who has known pain...and wishes to share it.

Only in states with emissions requirements. In states without those it will be unlikely they’ll be “blocked from registering” whatever that means.

A lot of states don’t have emissions testing.

This really confuses the issue, I think. The MPG was accurate, the emissions statement was not. Leave it at that.

I’ve yet to see whether or not the vehicle emission to MPG ratio would simply make them akin to a car that got much worse gas mileage in terms of equivalent emissions.

Resell them in Asia and elsewhere? I could be wrong but I’d be surprised if VW just scrapped them. Frankly, doing that would be WORSE for the environment.

This. Keep the car, continue getting 50mpg.

Bitch, shut up. Nobody gives a shit what you think happened.

Did you have one of your ams outstretched towards him like you were playing zone and he didn’t have the ball cause that’s what I’m picturing.

lol, Dr. Naismith.