Uh huh

I didn’t even know “nearly perfect” existed on Deadspin until tonight and looking at the recommended stories it is now my favorite Gawker blog.

This is just stupid. Before coming to Cleveland, Love was averaging 26 points and nearly 13 rebounds a game. Defensively he’s below average but Green isn’t even in the same room in terms of offensive ability.

I went to a Presbyterian school and gender equality was a huge deal there and this was in the 90s.

No one should argue it because it’s obvious. Only sheltered people will think every church, mosque, and synagogue in the country is simply rape crazy.

I’ve never heard someone be so proud of themselves for discovering that people live in cities.

If you scroll up, there’s a Clinton supporter who would like to insinuate that you were an Uncle Tom for casting that vote. I just wanted to make sure you didn’t miss that opportunity in case you weren’t exposed to it in any of the other 3 trillion times I’ve seen that shit on Gawker properties.

Check out how much Obama hates Black people. I mean, he didn’t even try in the South!

Ah yes, a prelude to calling her an Uncle Tom. Really setting the stage here.

Fucking THANK YOU.

It ended up being a poor tax since it’s overwhelmingly the poor and working class that smoke and pay the increased government fees and taxes on cigarettes that go towards....lining the coffers of state governments too cowardly to actually raise taxes on people with power.


Are you talking about rap videos or gun manufacturers? You seem to have the two mixed up.

I refuse to believe anyone associated with Occupy made this.

There’s are really great and well thought out reasons. “Ain’t nobody got time for that” is absolutely a responsible way to make this decision.

This piece spoke to me like the voice of an angel blessing me. I have no grill because I live in a downtown apartment and I have to pan cook all my steaks. Began using two pats of butter instead of olive oil (trying to be a goood boy) and the clouds immediately parted and my steak became something from beyond.

You don’t really understand men then.

Ha, call me when women trust men. Until then this is just more stuff everyone knows, the sexes don’t trust each other. think that’s the most likely explanation...really?

Manners are regional and sometimes racial but never exclusively both.