I agree with you, the lack of information on the baby plus her small size plus her running away raises huge red flags in this case. Just saying that the small size alone doesn’t make a strong case in my mind.
I agree with you, the lack of information on the baby plus her small size plus her running away raises huge red flags in this case. Just saying that the small size alone doesn’t make a strong case in my mind.
She may be “Carrie Bradshaw,” but this is a totally Miranda thing to do.
I would be shocked if she’d actually been pregnant. I think she faked it and dragged it on too long and then panicked.
I hope Jessica Fletcher can tie all these random-ass clues together, in Act Three.
Turns out she was just out looking for some Malono Blahniks.
Wait, did I miss you saying if the baby is ok?
The daughter checked with the hospital though to see if the mother made her appointment — she didn’t. If she wasn’t pregnant, she wouldn’t have had a C-section scheduled (I’ve never been pregnant but I’m assuming you can’t just schedule a C-section without being checked out by an OBGYN), and the hospital wouldn’t have…
My first (and only) tattoo is a memorial tattoo on my shoulder blade for my mother that I got on the 15th anniversary of her death. My uncles all teared up and told me to never get another tattoo (I think because we’re Jewish). The problem is I can’t follow my incredibly meaningful tattoo with something fun like…
When someone is triggered to the point of reliving trauma, it is common to go into a fight, flight, or freeze response. Shouting "use your brain!" at people who are in the middle of a physiological response that is well known for reducing executive function in the moment is perhaps unhelpful.
I will never calm down until people start using their brains!
Jez doesn't do TWs. They never have. We go through this with every disturbing article. Plus, the title and all.
Take it from an old(ish) lady who was sexually and physically abused as a kid by family; and who was in a horribly abusive relationship for five years: you are *far* more likely to live happily and come to terms with whatever has happened to you (I don't mean by that that you should or will come to forgive or feel…
But you have plenty of desire to comment about your lack of desire to sympathize or understand someone whose experiences were not yours. Got it. Thanks for stopping by.
I'm not squeamish in the slightest, but the idea that someone with two dicks could sit down and write a passage where he fucks a woman's cervix out onto her sofa really doesn't sit well with me.
All those orifices are yawning because he bores them to death. (There may be a pun in that sentence. I'm not sure if it's funnier that way or not.)
This guy reminds me if a friend I had in high school that was a compulsive liar. His lies started out small, for instance, he always claimed Ralph Macchio was his cousin. He was not. We all knew this, as even though his parents would back up his claims in front of his friends (No wonder he had a lying problem) they…