Being opposed to legalized murder isn’t a political issue.
Being opposed to legalized murder isn’t a political issue.
I don’t know much about Jill Stein, but I’m super-confused why people are presenting Gary Johnson as if he’s the liberal savior that the Democrats wouldn’t let Bernie be.
If they were in it for the issues, they wouldn't be for Trump, or Pence, who will literally destroy the things they care about.
I found the part of his statement where he talked about all the social justice organizations he tried out for in high school, but was cut from, to be uncomfortably long and bitter.
6 hours after the media caught wind we have not 1 but 2 police reports and a 911 call about a black man and domestic violence. Days later we still don't know the name of the office who shot an unarmed black man who was on his back with his arms raised and some moron said "he was trying to shoot the white guy" yet he…
No, they couldn’t. Whether or not it’s visible to you as a man, deliberate structural devaluing of women is, and has always been, an essential part of authoritarian, right-wing organization. There’s a reason that literally none of the organizations you named, or any others you could name, didn’t actively suppress…
Of course it doesn’t feel like a win. Not a damn thing has changed. Fox is still the same. They just got a new awful replacement for the awful one they’re letting go. Whatever it was that lead to Fox washing their hands of Ailes ... and it probably wasn’t Gretchen ... is going to remain a secret. For now anyway.
He resigned, and didn’t get fired. And he’ll get anywhere from 40 to 60 million dollars. That’s why.
Difference being last year’s rotation pitched above it’s weight and everyone was a year younger.
Duke made it to the Sweet 16, they’ll pull through.
Randy Levine, he of the “The Yankees have never been quitters” facepalm douchefaucet quote, is also this guy. You remember, he doesn’t want his rich fans mixing with the Poors.
This has gotta be tough for Yankees fans. I mean, first the Cowboys and Lakers, now this?
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I get it, they don’t want controversy to distract viewers from compelling WNBA storylines like “Which two teams are these again?” and “Is that point guard the one I heard about in college in 2009? No? Ok nevermind.”
Marc Maron had an in depth interview with him on his WTF podcast recently (Ep 703). It’s still available on iTunes for free and definitely worth checking out.
Word has it that Lou Holtz’s speech has long plagiarized Peter Gammons’ tweets.
How hard is it to pick the one fifty year old guy in pads?