Tuxedoed Flobee User

The system needs to be shaken up.

As a 43 year old, is she this generation’s Debbie Gibson?

They’re also all wearing Swatches. It’s true, go watch it again.

Fair enough, but the stats geeks tell me that he’s leading the PCL in WSAR (Weird Situations Above Replacement)

Look at this industry’s insane use of a single adjective!

Don’t worry, the new one will be back on the market before anybody knows and nobody will ever remember that time production of the other one got suspended.

At one point the concert-goers are told that they’re the best around, and that nothing’s ever gonna bring them down.

Yeah, the gentrifiers have saw NOLA, even pre-Katrina, and mercifully said ‘no thanks’ (wish the same could be said of Austin). Unless David Simon brought like 10,000 people on a cred train.

Before him only half of the whole cellblock was dancing to the rock. With enhanced participation more convicts are able to tell others that they’re the cutest jailbird they ever did see.

I don’t know, the posts seem smarter than normal.

Oh no, not her! We must take auction!

Unless there’s a signature four-finger ring with Cage spelled backwards so that when you look in the mirror you read ‘Cage’ imprinted on your forehead I’m not in.

That’s fine, but what I said was I asked for a medium Oreo Blizzard, not a small Heath Bar Blizzard, could you be please be arsed to do something about it.

Wouldn’t vaporization of the blood cause instant death? I smell what’s cooking and it appears to be HYPERBOLE

One more invasion of privacy for the road!

I heard tell the loss came from eight consecutive hit by pitches, which the Cardinals players stood and took with rugged stoicism and a faraway look in their eyes, knowing they were the guardians of baseball the way it was meant to be played.

Given who got writing credit on that episode, it could have been Conan O’Brien’s doing (but given the writers’ room, probably not)

No, Bob was exclusively a writer and he didn’t create Stuart; the story is here.

Lisa: Dad, don’t let these application essays throw you. Let’s see: “List your three favorite books and how they’ve influenced your life.”
Homer: Is “TV Guide” a book?
Lisa: No.
Homer: “Son of Sniglet”?
Lisa: No.
Homer: Katherine Hepburn’s “Me”?
Lisa (emphatically): NO!