
Leisure Suit Luke

I can name every stormtrooper there was… snowtrooper, deathtrooper, scout trooper…

No capes!

Half the Star Wars movies are unnecessary backstories

Will there be a fan-service scene of Boba Fett being super Poochie badass at the end?

They weren't all Star Wars, Marge…

My lights dimmed

For mocking to work, the target has to have some semblance of dignity

Robin's often called "The Boy Hostage", but yeah, nothing for adult guys

Some people seem to comment on pretty much every article, whether they have any interest in the subject or not. It's especially annoying in the music-related articles.

Years ago you worked with Lucas in American Graffiti, now we beg you to help in the struggle against The Mouse

Drew Barrymore is cool, not like that jerk Robert DeNiro who kept Bananarama waiting

So it's a Marvel Team-Up series? My favourite was Spider-Man and the Not-Ready-For-Primetime Players.

Lord & Miller wanted to use 'Dreamcatcher' as the working title

(dolphin noise)

I can't really blame them, we keep showing up for every new Batman and Spider-Man.

To whoever takes over:


He also made the movie that we're talking about forty years later, that gets him a lifetime pass

Almost there…