
Female leads is fine, but keep Heather Graham as the love interest

That's a huge step up from his natural deflated volleyball look

Huge part of my childhood. Thanks, June

No shit


At least the Wonder Woman characters got names. I think in Captain America we were just expected to know who they were. (I mean, I did, but not everyone is a huge dork.)

As a kid: play with the toys

Ah, the ol' Steve Trevor Jr.

It reminded me of Superman The Movie- the hero's casting was so perfect and earnest that you can ignore all the problems

I hope they stay in the 20s or 30s so we get more Etta Candy

"Everyone is into nerdy stuff now, how can we regain our hated outcast status?"

No, Stranger Things is a homage. Ready Player One is just a list of references.

"Truly this man was the Herald of Galactus"

One with experience playing Ginsburg already…

Not just associated with those shitty fans, they seemed to start writing specifically for them, with all the anti-PC bullshit

Definitely, all he does is watch TV

Less tolerant of bullshit is not thin-skinned

Aw, without South Park, what will shitty white douchbags quote?

Also no Natalie Portman

What was exaggeration on The Colbert Report is now standard