
I prefer to use the cream skimmed off the top of the bottle of raw milk. Available in many states (not all) you can find it at upscale grocery or health food stores right next to the “dead” (pasteurized) milk. Since it’s not processed (turned into a Frankenfood), it has different properties. And for those who scrunch

Windex cleans EVERYTHING. Buy the gallon-size concentrate bottle at Home Depot and you’ll never run out.

Consider a Mac for iPhone users, and Windows for anyone using an Android phone. This will simplify music and photos, unless they’re already using one OS or the other. Or if you, their new 24-hour Support Tech, only uses one OS.

LVRaiders13, your kids are what we refer to as “stable.”

When I take my grandkids shopping, we have a simple rule. “If you can’t pronounce all the ingredients, you can’t have it.” They catch on fast.

I once got out of the car (wind chill -50 F) to catch a plane for a Carribean cruise. I left my coat behind and jumped in the front seat of the airport shuttle. When I returned, my coat was waiting in the car.

I looked at this article as a buffet — pick and choose what seems right for you (the “every-day tip” was an especially good idea).

The guy who invented the GFI used to demonstate it by throwing a toaster into a bathtub with his (swimsuited) daughter. Then, it was amusing. Today it would be cause for Protective Services 

The guy who invented the GFI used to demonstate it by throwing a toaster into a bathtub with his (swimsuited) daughter. Then, it was amusing. Today it would be cause for Protective Services 

This technique was traditionally a hardware mod, used for voice-only amateur and CB radio transmissions. A “compander” (compression/expander) device limits loud sounds and boosts quiet sounds (with a minor lag), but this sounds like it can modify according to frequency. Doing it with software allows much more variety

Apparently, the confusion here is that it did not support BT speakers until a recent upgrade.

I get it. There isn’t enough room to keep all the stock inside the store. Plus, do you really want to drag all your new furniture on to a bus or the subway? For this market, this makes sense. New Yorkers, a little delayed gratification may be good for you. Your purchase is in a warehouse, quickly brought to your

That’s just sad. And a little painful. Who’s the frustrated garage-band singer in the middle? He has just slightly more talent than his two backup singers. Whaddya wanna bet he didn’t pay royalties and just bootlegged this song?

I blame the religious leader who encouraged him to do that stupid shit. Perfect job for anyone with a death wish. I haven’t had any Sentinelese knocking on my door trying to convert me to their religion. He entered India illegally, and then illegally entered a sovereign nation, too — multiple times.

I once saw an ad for a grocery store that had a special price on ice cream if you bought 10 at a time. ??!!??!!

CVS coupons ticked me off for years. Store the coupon in the wife’s car? My car? Kitchen counter? Why not just use my card to apply any coupons? Why should *I* have to keep track of *YOUR* paper — have you ever heard of computers?

Kills me when adults describe any child inappropriately. “He’s as bad as his father.” “She’s a little brat.” He’s always naughty like that.” Jeez, give the kid a chance to find out who he/she is before you tell them who they’re going to be.

You’re missing the point. ADHD doesn’t prevent one from focusing. It stymies your ability to CHOOSE what you’ll focus on. Ordinary people can decide what to concentrate on — ADD’ers don’t have that ability.

The government can’t help because the GOP’s stated purpose is steadily dismantling government and selling off the pieces to their friends. Smaller government means few regulations, more freedom/profits for corporations, and using taxpayer money to pay inflated prices to private contractors. They don’t even try to hide

The more women tell their story about being abused, the more women are emboldened to tell their own story. Men may not WANT to hear it, but they NEED to hear it. Tell everyone.