
That wasn’t buttermilk. That was a pasteurized, homogenized, weirdly cultured factory food product that was labeled “buttermilk.” If you want actual buttermilk, obtain raw milk (available in many states — check and put some in a blender. You’ll get a ball of real butter (eat it soon or refrigerate it)

If you can’t do quick, estimated math in your head, sooner or later you will get cheated. All those folks who say “I hate math” are just suckers looking for a place to get robbed, and then they thank the thief. Sometimes, your life savings is on the line.

Two items: First, when making a decision, the very first decision you make is “whether or not to make a decision (at this time).” Delaying making a decision can be a sound decision. Second, when there are lots of options to choose from (like the vending machine photo) it becomes much harder to pick one. Smart

Security questions are the little brothers to fingerprint and retinal scans. If compromised, you can never change them.

I have a passel of old UPS’s (uninterruptible power supply) that provide 110 volts AC from an internal battery. Just plug your ordinary wall wart charger into them. I buy them when they’re on sale at local office supply stores (~$30). Additionally, many of them beep when the power fails, so they’d wake me up in the

My PE teacher had a simple fix for “being the last kid picked.” When there were about 8 kids left to choose from, he arbitrarily assigned 4 to each team closest to them. Saved time, made no difference in the team’s ability, but saved face for every one of those kids.

@Spiderweb, your problem does have a solution, and it’s related to.this thread. Your gut microbiome (Google it) suffers from a lack of diversity, brought about (generally) by overuse of oral antibiotics and/or excessive alcohol. This makes your immune system overreact to harmless microbes that it should have

Ditto. How many people actually have a problem? The dirt in your mind is more trouble than the dirt on your skin. People have survived for millions of years.

She’s lost much of the control of the left side of her face, lips and eye. Some contend that’s caused by limited brain function in the right-brain. That’s the side that controls compassion, art, morality, etc. Makes sense to me.

I thought the headline was “Laura Ingraham Blows the Dog”

McDonald’s stores come in two varieties; corporate-owned (about 1 in 4) and franchisee-owned. Franchisees are constantly cutting corners (to put more $$ in the owner’s pocket) while corp stores have a management chain that goes all the way to Chicago, and they want to protect their brand.

Everyone from Michigan remembers the news about a woman driving a Yugo up I-75 (far too fast, as witnessed by dozens of people). When she got to the mighty Mackinac bridge over the straits of Mackinac, she caught a gust of wind and slammed the curb. Because the Yugo was so lightweight, it went airborne and flew right

I knew a fellow who bought an expensive IBM-brand desktop PC (mid ’90's) so it would “work with all IBM software.” He spent $100 for Dragon Naturally Speaking (audio to text app). He found that allIBM-brand PC’s came with IBM’s proprietary M-Wave Audio system, which was incompatible with Dragon, yet Dragon worked fine

I once got a class-action lawsuit payoff of one additional year of warranty work for a Packard-Bell PC. The four Chicago attorneys split 4 million dollars. I never needed any work done on the PC, so I got a souvenir postcard.

That’s what I do. My credit union has my savings and checking accounts, but they also let me put money into a Christmas Club (automatically moves everything into Savings on Nov. 30) and/or a Vacation Club account. Each payday, I have them set up to automatically move a few dollars into those secondary accounts (it’s

The problem is the $$$. There’s not enough. Here’s why . . .

I found it interesting that there are links nearby to an article that talks about young people putting money into their 401(k) account. A dollar invested for 30 years returns about $30, which, because of inflation, will have the buying power of $10 in today’s money. So you get a 10-to-1 return. Wait a few years and