
As a self avowed liberal, and a Canadian socialist voter, I get prettty annoyed when I’m told that I must be a conservative because I don’t agree with kotakus version of events which was filled with narrative manipulation.

Is there something wrong with being anti-sjw?

See Overwatch butt pose.........

Not that I give two shits either way about this stupid bullshit - but it’s certainly possible for a person to want to control the boob size of their character in a video game, while also being strongly against child porn.

I think we’re in fact referring to two different groups of people.

Double standards yo’.

Yeah, we know that people who like to be outraged at everything are the “gamergate” guys.

SJW’s and GG, actually. Both are trash, but only one is forcing censorship on others from their bullying and fanatical behavior. SJW’s need to be stopped.

You’d think that, because Klepek conveniently left out the part where as soon as PlayAsia made that first tweet, every SJW on twitter came out of the woodwork and had a meltdown over it, including Kotaku’s own Luke Plunkett, threatening things from cancelling their accounts at PA to getting them blacklisted from sites

yeah because kotaku never blacklist anyone......

A Price Of Games Journalism

It doesn’t matter which company is mad at us today, or which companies get mad at us in the future. You’ll continue

Sounds like your friend’s brother is a hell of a lot smarter than you are.

Not only do I now look at all of Erdelys work as overly hyped fiction scattered perhaps with facts, but the earnest support of this piece shows how much human error goes into journalism.

Well, if the writer is using anonymous sources and basically saying "trust me", the only way you can evaluate his credibility sis to use secondary criteria. You seem to be upset at your brothers lack of blind faith in "The Rolling Stone".