
Clarification: Malka has had a previous allegation from 2012, he used NeoGaf mods to sweep it under the carpet, band, thread deletes etc.
Gamegate happened and he became yet another woman-respecter, her we are today, this accusation can’t be made disappear.

The general hate for Neogaf is that they gladly covered it up

Are you really THAT disingenuous? That’s the EXACT same tactic leftists use.

Guilt by association. Hell, Neogaf tried it on Boogie.

Stop invoking GamerGate as a smokescreen. GG is simply not a part of this story. Neogaffers are doing the same thing, pointing towards a dead tag, and even saying “Malka is their ilk”

It’s beyond pathetic.

Self-defense. No, you aren’t allowed use flamethrowers like that. Sorry, but Long was wrong.

“Even though she accused the creep”

Accusations aren’t convictions dearies.

If the student posting was black too, is it still a ‘low-key hate crime’?

No, they aren’t. That’s just the kind of silly, disconnected-to-reality thinking that makes progressives a laughing stock

Desmond Miles is based on a hispanic model.

Booker is mixed Native American, which is a MAJOR plot point.

You know keza? in the game?

Snake is not white. Jesus, this article is just plain bad. Outdated sentiment, poor execution.

Favorable coverage for your mates again, Grayson? You never learn.

Door, ass, way out.

You know the drill.

Where did”MRA” come from? I don’t see anything backing up that assertion.

So now it has been confirmed she was working as a prostitute, will the article be updated?

Better than what? An employee that tweets pro-CO stuff? It’s not a lie kid, you can go look it up.

It isn’t a smear campaign if you can actually go and find tweets where she objected to someone being arrested for possession of CP.

‘a white supremacist or Gater and got duped’
What are you on about?

Jamie Walton did NOT want you quoting her

I find the best solution is to not have any skeletons in my closet, and to not advocate for paedophilia in any way.

People keep telling me there’s hate for Undertale, I really don’t see it outside of that voting contest. Love for that game seems to cross all divides.
Claiming it OR calling it SJW, seems disingenuous. It furthers the idea that progress and gaming belongs to some ‘liberal/right wing’ elite.

TBH it’s good to see a shake

Because ‘people of color’ have always been amazing in VO work, and the idea that we don’t realise and appreciate that is insulting as fuck to the fans AND the actors