Man, I don’t think I’ve ever gotten so much use out of the dismiss button. For the record, I’m not a racist, no one forced me to look (although they were a bit loud), and homogeny is in its death throes if there’s this many trolls weighing in. 🤷🏻♀️
Man, I don’t think I’ve ever gotten so much use out of the dismiss button. For the record, I’m not a racist, no one forced me to look (although they were a bit loud), and homogeny is in its death throes if there’s this many trolls weighing in. 🤷🏻♀️
I wish that wasn’t how some ppl think. 😂
For both genders or when women file?
Hi. I’m white. Very white. So pale they don’t make makeup white enough white. I’m also a boss at a Fortune 50, and I’m stuck in no one’s trap. A homogenous leadership team (White dudes in their 50s) means one view point is represented and one perspective is valued. It’s poor leadership, and it annoys the fuck out of…
😂 I’m trying to keep my eyes from rolling out of my head.
Oh my gosh you have to be kidding about the legislation. I’m not...surprised... having grown up in the South, but I am horrified.
Thank you! My liver asked for a walker tonight, I’m worried about that bitch.
I do not understand that “spouses who hate each other” trope. My husband and I have been married ten years and have a 7 year old. We adore each other, love to hang out, and almost all of our friends are the same way. (One wife is in perimenopause so she’s forgiven for being a little touchy IMO.)
Or, frankly, that she wants to sleep with Kevin James.
I’ve been drinking since 2PM and this is my final view of the night. It’s my birthday and I’m celebrating the end of it-after the steak and the breweries and the awesome hotel s*x-with wine and hating Trump, pretty much how I end every day anymore. I’m not sure my liver can last through 2020.
I LOVE the hair!! I have an appt on the 8th to change mine and I’m stoked. It’s been dark brown edging to black since early 2016.
37 Monday, ten years together, and banging avg of 4x a week, outside shark week. Some years are more famine, some years are more feast. Definitely NOT duty sex. 🔥
ASMR isn’t for me. John Oliver, on the other hand, soothes my anxiety like a boss...
I am a boss-I have an admin and support as well as several front line teams. The most I do when they actually screw up, which is occasionally as everyone is human, is speak firmly while talking through where we went wrong and a solution. No one should be yelling at employees. It’s an awful experience.
😂I’m sitting here going... I’m pretty sure I’m mercenary as fuck?
There’s a small piece of me that’s always delighted to see the Reader addressed. “Reader, I married him.” is hands down one of the most iconic phrases in literature IMO. It just makes my heart happy every time I think about it.
Your boss sounds like a dick. I hope you’re exaggerating, but screaming at employees is not ok. Ever.
Pharrell raps on the recent Lemon track, “Bath salts...biting speakers in the face.” Based on nothing else, I’m going with bath salts.
But-that’s what THEY do with their immigrants are rapists shit. Which is NOT an issue. It’s like...we’re in opposite world? Is black white? Up down? Do words even have meaning...