The Hufflepuff Liz Lemon

I genuinely looked at this photo and said, “that’s the kind of bland white bread that my [right wing, anti-feminist, female manager who benefits from my feminism in insisting we promote women] direct report would go for. I should send her this picture.”

Today there was a threatened shooting at the HS across from my neighborhood. Then, when the kid was arrested, his friends started to tweet how they would finish the job, the bloodbath coming and how the principal would die. Nothing happened, but they cleared the school and brought in the bomb sniffing dogs anyways. I

Apparently we’re chatting today 😂 Have you seen the comics with Bobby Hill as a couples’ therapist to Bart Simpson and Chris Griffin.

Kinja ate my first response. 🙄 Have you tried Hairstyle Lite? It’s fun to play with and you can see yourself with all different shades and styles of hair.

Thank you-it was great. They complimented my features and skin and agreed with the procedure I wanted and were able to show me the impact. 🤷🏻‍♀️ I was pretty impressed.

I am naturally very pale (makeup doesn’t exist that’s pale enough) with almost black hair. The grey is beyond creeping and has fully taken up residence to the point where it looks like Christmas tinsel in my hair. I live and die by self tanner (Jergen’s foam) and color my hair a deep reddish brown, using the foam from

Comcast has made major progress in the last ten years.

I’m pondering some very minor plastic surgery (chin and neck lipo-no matter my weight, I always have a double chin) and I’m hoping they don’t try to scare me into anything else at my consult tomorrow. I keep telling myself “I love my face, I love my face...”

I’ve explained to my six year old that while he can wear whAtever (the fuck) he wants as an adult, right now people judge my parenting (and here his dad chimes in with-make no mistake, society will still judge your mom over me) if you go outside WITH NO SHOES ON IN 30 DEGREE WEATHER AND KNOCK ON THE NEIGHBOR’S DOOR.

And really not that entry level at that point.

Nah but I know what assistants make and they are pulling down well over the average income in my state.

Assistant does not equal servant. 🙄

I am having the BEST time with this contest. ❤️❤️❤️ Yay everyone!

OMG that’s my new favorite phrase, so thank you for that.

I thought it was Let’s get it started...that’s so depressing.

I have a six year old. I’m pretty sure it’s just weight at this point instead of baby weight, but dammit, imma stick with baby weight. 😂

Thank you they ARE! We finally figured out, after thousands of dollars, hundreds of hours of pain, several MRIs and CT scans, and six specialists consulted-that it was my teeth. Well, I should say I figured out-my neurologist and my GP just wanted to keep medicating me over and over and over with progressively worse

I think we can all agree that is a disturbing, fucked up story. It’s kind of like those historical romances that start out with the hero raping the heroine and then they end of together (the Wolf and the Dove comes to mind).

So, I think it’s the “strong” emotion that a person inspires that can flip from hate to passion. I’ve got two real experiences in it, one related to sex, one not.

So I’m on vacation-a kid’s dream vacation of 4 amusement parks for six days. I’ve got rum drinks by the gallon, and I work for one of the conglomerates who owns Universal so we’re slapping that badge down like it’s the Hogwarts Express ticket. Anything you’ve ever wanted to ask about Universal Studios, I’m your girl