
Good Seamus!

Whoa whoa whoa. Don’t blame me. I’m just the stock photo, Irish Setter.

.....You support a rapist who looks like King Koopa.

Je suis J Law!

Read this while listening to the new Missy and I am just filled to the brim with black girl magic right now.

But have a gorgeous day!

Diana Moskovitz deserves a fucking Pulitzer for her coverage of the NFL’s craven stupidity on this issue and and, truthfully, in all things.

Where I live, people think the purpose of an apostrophe is to warn the reader than an “s” is coming at the end of the word.

I’m just gonna say it.

Oh, I’m dying! It’s too bad your post is FAAAAAAAKE

hello i enjoy your words

this comment is fake

This is the most perfect thing of the day.

This is actually making a lot of sense rn

That don’t mean squat. I have a public facebook profile and I’m not real.

I think we are all living in an elaborate sequel to the movie The Others.

The Debbie Downer door is that way.

(Verging on Pinkham’s Law/ Fake Story?)

Nancy Drew is on the case!

My sides reached orbit at “first generation Fat-Lesbian”. I only hope that one day, I too will be able to find someone who will stare down assholes while I dance to songs from the 70s.