
I have it on good authority that baby Melania goes first

Not trying to defend Katie at all, but having just gone through a year of planning a wedding, it was HORRIBLE and me and my fiance hated each other through it. But now that we’re married, it’s been great! So I don’t know...pretty sure weddings can just bring out the worst in people...

She looks lovely as she is a very pretty girl but I’m having flashbacks to the awful, flat ironed/dead ends hairstyles of the early 00's here. Everyone looked like they were wearing old brooms on their heads.

Wow. This opinion rattles me to my core.

It’s like people don’t watch the things they criticize.

i can just imagine and that sequel is a piece of glory.

Ice dragons

You know who else was anti-Silver? William McKinely. Didn’t end too well for him.

oh man I thought this was heading in a

While i was doing my degree, I had to do some fieldwork, and this entailed spending some time in a quaint UK village for a few weeks. The natives were quite welcoming and it made a nice change from normal coursework, so it was fine.

However, right away, I noticed the villagers were a bit odd about some things. For

YES YES YES YES. I look forward to this shit ALL YEAR. Not to downplay all the other funny and good Andy important things Jezebel publishes throughout the year, but spooky stories is your very greatest tradition.

I’ve still not heard anything that is even remotely as scary as the “Look at Me” one, but every year I look forward to you wonderful commenters trying to best it.


I loved those books, even the one where the twins went back to antediluvian times and met Noah and the seraphims and shit. It was such a weird series, mashing together physics and religious iconography the way it did (not that I really noticed the religious stuff as a little atheist, it was all just stories to

Same. This book was probably my favorite as a kid. It was so damn trippy. It was like, my prerequisite to acid.

this is one of my all time favorite kid stoked

Jayne, sorry. Tried to edit. *hangs head in shayme*

Maybe you’re from the Gawkerverse so you don’t know, but that’s not how we play around here.

I’m sorry I didn’t clearly articulate the fact that your comment makes you sound like you’re older than dirt with 1980s hack standup comedic sensibility. That was wrong of me.

Cool, cool. That’s cool. Very modern comment.