
Me too.

you seem fun

(sorry for repeat, I posted this in the wrong place prior!)

I never have any supernatural tales, so I never thought to include this one! But after reading Look At Me I’m DEFINITELY SHARING, because the sinister nature of people is creepier than ghosts (IMO)

jesus christ haven’t they seen jumanji or like any movie ever????

AHHH how did you not talk to the villagers about this!!!!???

Say goodbye to productivity, Work Week!


The real question is...what the hell do we think was in the basement?



Idris Elba is British (fix’d for you)


This will be something you have to work at every day to balance. The best advice I ever received from married friends prior to my own marriage was this, and I’ll pass on to you:

Actually, I think it’s the other way around. The Brad/Jen breakup which I followed closely because OF COURSE I DID had a lot to do with him not being super invested in their relationship and wanting to be alone and get high and just hang out and do his own thing.

Ted the Caver gets my heart rate up at mere mention!

Totally disagree.

Wasn’t there one where Meg is grown up and goes back in time to like some human sacrifice thing and on the cover she’s holding a Polaroid of a guy with like his heart being ripped out? Did I invent this?

I feel so stressed out about this SO STRESSED OUT because my favorite YA books with this type of controversial content about the nature of god and man and sin are always murdered before my very eyes (I’LL NEVER FORGET/ALWAYS WISH I COULD FORGET YOU GOLDEN COMPASS)

Agreed, he is missing out on some Statham-esque chrome dome opportunities here.