
I too just watched The Big Short on Netflix.

these all look like unitards. are these all one piece?

this gif is stressing me the eff out.

I would like to hear more about your five dogs.

I would like to hear more about your five dogs.

Dorinda can come to my island if she brings the drugs.

I’m saying your comment was fucking stupid, Andrew Dice Clay.


she can have it, no amount of money would be worth being her business partner.

But also I want Ramona on that island because Ramona.

Yes. I feel like LuAnn would actually shine in that situation. Real Swiss Family Robinson level stuff with woodworking and building irrigation ditches and shit.

No. Terrible joke. Worse than Jules and the artfully preserved queens.

I literally rejoice when strange men I don’t know ignore me when I’m seated next to them and I’m stressin’ about how this is gonna go with my new 175$ earbuds from Apple.

I am mad at this article for making me defend chris brown in any way. but bruh is right—-ya’ll need a warrant.

Do those expire? I think I still have one from my high school graduation (in 2003).

andy, you lying sack of shit.

The remake was weirdly good, right!? And what a weird selection of actors for the cast! I loved it, and spent most of the early aughts smoking weed and watching HoHH and The Haunting in my neighbor’s basement.

For some reason, asylum/hospital horror settings have always been the scariest for me. I remember the (terrible...but also strangely enjoyable) remake of House on Haunted Hill when they’re watching the old-timey movie and the evil doctor looks up from his diabolical surgery and SEES them and I wanted to cry I was so

I think he does it on purpose to fuck with us. He is a frenemy to his own fans.

I loved Coven for the Southern Witch Mean Girls aspect and also because I love Kathy Bates the very best when she plays completely unhinged. I thought that there was better world building too, which I enjoy. Agree with all the reasons people hate it, I am just very able to look past those reasons.

I, for one, look forward to giving up on AHS half way through the season and binge watching the rest on Netflix at a later date whilst particularly hungover. Which is how the show is meant to be watched.