
Yes. It’s basically a battle of attrition. As a former player of the card game (I only played Red so I don’t know if this applies to later editions of the Nintendo game), I find it irritating that the strengths and weaknesses of pokemon types and attack types don’t seem to translate in the battles.

Level 21: I had the choice between evolving an Eevee with the special move Swift vs an Eevee with the special move Dig.

Really? I commute on the bus through downtown Seattle, about 4 km. I hatch about three eggs a day. For about 2km I’m on a straightaway that my bus takes through the busiest corridor (aka, we goin’ slow). With stops (and pokestops!) at about every other intersection. So, on certain parts I’m moving fast, but under 20

There is another way.

In the competition between which brother is hotter, all the roses to A. A. Ron Rodgers, and this is coming from a full on strictly lady-lovin homosensual.

If no one from Jezebel applies for this and reports back then none of you bitches are the bitches I thought you were.

Meanwhile meanwhile, Eyes Adrift (Meatpuppets/Nirvana/Sublime Short Lived Post-Grunge Supergroup!) are still waiting for their eyes to float back to shore.

I’m a lifelong generational Bears fan who has been raised since childhood to hate Green Bay for the bullshit little hamlet it is, but I swear to shit if Aaron Rodgers came out I would ruin my own family relationships and become a Packers fan because HOLY SHIT CAN YOU EVEN IMAGINE IF ONE OF THE BEST QBS IN FOOTBALL

Uhh, Tinder already exists and at least in this case you have the chance of snapping up a Jigglypuff before you die.

Omg more on this person. Updates regularly plzz.

Ok. Two!

Ok. One!

My whole day is derailed by this article existing.

Agreed, Sporty is the best spice girl both in style, in vocal abilities, acting ability (SEE: Spice World on VHS) and in ability to spark very confusing early notions in baby gays such as myself who both wanted to be her and also wanted her be her very best friend and have sleepovers and irrationally hate all her

Ew you are wrong. So wrong. Omg you’re wrong tho!

YES PLEASE. lets trash this!

Preach. That Ginny/Harry relationship was the worrrrrrrrrrrrrst. (coming from a huge Potterhead, here. Not haterade consumer.)

Yo, need more deets on this situation; also possibly a screenplay and Netflix original series starring Sarah Paulson or Elizabeth Mitchell as the professor also why did this happen to you and not me also life IS NOT FAIR.

Sure is and sure is.

I have a pug, so she farts and looks over her shoulder at me and yes, it’s exactly how you picture it; just eyeballs and rolls for dayyyysssss