
I preferred Mickey to Gia when it came to bad influences.

The best quote in that movie is “BUT HE DOESN’T KNOW I HAVE DIABETES” when Stacey dates that like 25 year old.


Oh, I just saw this comment after mine. That’s hilarious.

Holla back for strange lady feelings that Alex Mack awakened with that backwards hat!

The two books she wrote (Fantastic Beasts/ Quidditch Through The Ages) for Comic Relief give SO MUCH depth to the expanded universe.

*pushes up glasses*

The universe is too big to waste!

The real question is will the American wizards be playing Quadpot? (shout out to serious Potternerds!)

I now support a TOTAL BAN on Photoshop.

That is pulled straight from a screen shot of one of 15 episodes of Law and Order: SVU in which a rollerblader is assaulted in Central Park.


I want to feel more outraged about the blundering misogyny of this angry old white man, but I can’t get past my total panic at the thought of being inside that tiny cave hole.

As a (comparative to the majority of the world “rich”, in that I have the means to plan and take a vacation annually) white girl who likes travelling and learning about interesting places, I appreciated the topic of travelling alone as a woman.

I felt the exact same way. I found the topic interesting (a woman travelling alone in a place at the intersection of gender and culture conversations) but something about it made me feel icky. I feel like if I was at a dinner party where she was telling this story I would feel very annoyed at the tone.

Just say which emmy nominated celeb this was! Gosh!


I went to a large state college with no discernible greek system. It was there, but it was small and generally avoided and universally considered a place for undesirable douchebags to mingle with each other. A repository for the high school “popular kids” who couldn’t wrap their heads around the idea that their

One time, while at a local restaurant, I was standing in the bar area with my wife paying our tab and put my arm around her (*I am also a lady) and some bro with his bro friends began taking pictures of us.