
I wish I saw this sooner.

Yeah, turn that burn down bruh! I’m feelin’ it over here at my desk!

Really fantastic article!

This is hilarious and kind of sad and vaguely racist, but totally accurate when it comes to smallish towns/cities/markets with professional sports teams. If you are black in Green Bay and dining out at anything above an Applebees there is a 7,000 percent chance someone will assume you’re a sportsball player and want a

the beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeest

See you in my Twitter bio, this amazing statement!

“My grandfather wonders to this day whether he was supposed to be the customer or the merchandise.”


Dogfish Head 120

I feel like, Alaska, the whole damn state, is haunted.

Commenting on someone’s story saying “Oh, that’s Sleep Paralysis” is the Pinkham’s Law of Scary Story thread.


So, not scary, but scarylarious about sleepwalking. My brother in law is a sleepwalker, especially after he’s been drinking. Years ago, when he and my sister were in the early years of their relationship, the three of us came home from college and were staying at my parents house the night of our annual neighborhood

“Now, to get back to the farm involved a 20 minute walk from town. It was pleasant enough during the day, but after work around midnight it was creepy af. The road from town had a ancient cemetery on one side and a grass horse track on the other.”


Yes! I love this friend. There is one in every posse.

I like to think I grew up understanding that you should treat people kindly no matter what they look like, in part because of being (deservedly) stalked by an ice cream truck for one very long summer in 1995.

Good luck girl...EVERYTHING I did in college was under the influence.

Not supernatural, but spooky and cautionary.