
I KNOW! So rare. Planets aligned.

I’m pulling up all my fave baby GIFS for this year!

“like a quiet party was happening in a different dimension”



And on the 8th day God loaded his fat family into a Dodge Caravan and took them to Skyline Chili.

More importantly, you’ll now hold your pee instead of ever stopping at a rest stop, EVER.

You need to bite the bullet and go read the Adequate Man one posted today about the Rest Stop Stalker (the rest were meh/recycled, the good one is the last one, so just scroll to it).

Muncie, glorious Muncie!

They have some over on Adequate Man today, including the classic “Look At Me” (throws up in terror) and an even more awful and creepy “Rest Stop Stalker” (Throws self off cliff due to overwhelming horror!)

I worked at a Skyline Chili in Armpit, Indiana for about a month in college. Sunday mornings, I shit you not Church groups would come in and basically just throw all their food on the floor and leave pamphlets on the table. They would leave and it would look like they were just tossing shredded cheese in the air like

Could this be the first instance where the overwhelming Rule of the People actually trumps Pinkham’s Law? Do you have to asterisk the law? Essentially lifting the buttcheek of the Law to accommodate for the 2015 Fart Amendment?

Thank you! This graphic does not make ANY sense. Get a better umbrella, Jesus and Dad, and then Mom’s tiny umbrella won’t have to take care of the whole damn family.

It always boggled my mind when my customers did not understand this. I bartended at a high volume college bar in a Big 10 town. There was no customer service, it was just “sell as much as you can but don’t kill anyone”. Your business meant nothing to us. You were just another amorphous human shaped blob that

You don’t know the Nard Dog? Cornell, 1997?

Red Pandas are literally living, walking anime creatures. I luff them.

I believe this is from a Wife Swap episode. I am very ashamed I know this.

Re-Reading in preparation for this year! Who’s with me???

Step back girl INDEED. If Kendall Jenner dares to dip her toe into the pristine celebrisapphic pool, I swear to God I’ll divorce my wife, return my WNBA Season Tickets , and marry some guy named Chad. I SWEAR TO GOD, I WILL DO IT. I WILL DO IT.