
What I know about romance novels could fill like 700 caliente love bundles. I know so much. Almost too much. Like I have serious opinions about romance authors and publishing companies and their editing and prose and how they do business based entirely on my two years restocking the romance section of a Half Price

Bookstore people are crazy. I worked at a Half Price Books in the Midwest and due to the insane number of serialized romance novels we received, we started packing them into stacks of 7 and selling them together for 2 bucks. We called them Love Bundles, and there was a group of about 25 mid-fifties women who purchased

Josh is someone who invites himself to your Spring Break roadtrip and offers the use of his Yukon, which is really helpful for that long drive to the Florida panhandle, however, he also gets you all kicked out of your hotel 2 days in for throwing a fire extinguisher down 14 flights of stairs like Patrick Bateman.

You sound like a giant douche and the East Coast can keep you.

New Englanders have been in a permanent state of butthurt since they landed on Plymouth Rock. This is historic DAR butthurt.


The blade of a dragon and the hair of Fran Drescher.

Yes! Sans Serifs unite!

I was always wary of Samantha as a kid (and now). She gave me future mean girl vibes. Molly4Lyfe

Haha, nah, this fuckboy is from outside Peoria and we all know it.

Ahhh, Indianapolis, my beloved home town. Friends and family are like, “Why don’t you move back! The housing market in Seattle is outrageous! And the traffic! Lord!”


Captain America: Isn’t This The Plot From X2?

Word. It seems so disingenuous to think that as long as we cut our gratuitous violence with Good Guy Shermar Moore’s Eyebrows its perfectly acceptable to consume it.


At least Houston can get their shit together enough to elect an openly gay mayor. Dallas would put gay people in concentration camps if they thought they could get away with it.

I don’t understand. What was the point of repeatedly qualifying her as your “former BFF”, if you’re not going to give us the dish about your big falling out that sent her into the “former” category just don’t say it at all.

“ Josh being away for 6 months might delay her next pregnancy by a bit.”

Also, of all the boring, milquetoast white guys in Indiana, this dude is the most boring and milquetoast-est. He is a walking scoop of vanilla ice cream in a flannel.

He was first revealed to be the next Bachelor in June, when Reality Steve reported that the network was deciding between Ben and Josh Murray (who split with Andi Dorfman after she chose him over Nick Viall on a previous season of The Bachelorette).