
Everything I need to know about Pittsburgh I learned from Queer As Folk.

This is very validating! I seriously wish they would have just done a normal, bitter divorce when we were 15. We would have rebelled in the usual ways, developed trust issues early on that we’d smooth out through therapy over time. Instead I get to feel all the dumb teenager feelings at the ripe old age of 30!

Respeck Knuckles.

Staying together for the kids is doubley awful because either they see through your stupid ruse because it’s obvious you hate each other, OR (my case!) you’re so good at the ruse that when you do get divorced when they are adults you leave them totally shocked.

Woah. woah. woah. woooooooooooooah.

Servers should wear body cams so that when shit like this happens it can be used for social media shaming and online witch hunts just like God intended when she invented the internet.

The last sentence to this story just made me legit LOL at work as I creep these comments during my current Run Out The Clock Situation.

When you tip (I assume) the standard 20% at a resto, it’s for all of the service, both the table service and the food prep service. Most restaurants have some sort of tip-share where the kitchen is tipped out at the end of the night for their contribution to the overall customer satisfaction (or, at least at every

Nah, he’s cool with Beyonce as long as it’s first-gen Destiny’s Child.

They call it the Houston Zinger and I think it’s how Sam Houston won the Battle of San Jacinto? Just looked over the river and yelled, “HAHAHA OHHH KAAAAAY Anthony Lo’Penz Dis Sandre Ante/ Sandy Ante/ Josh” and then the war was won?

When it comes to my children’s (and the greater metropolitan area where I reside’s) health, I base all my decisions on rando Deadspoin commenters...definitely superior to the “industry funded sources” (doctors, scientists, history, logic) where I currently get my information.

At the very least, if your child is an insanely picky eater and you’re going to a restaurant, prepare accordingly.

The children who refuse grill lines eventually become the adults who want their milkshake in a bag.

How do you even stay with someone that acts like PF Changs Bitchmonster? Like, is that husband just waiting until the kids get out of college to finally leave the soul sucking monster he is married to?


Look, one of them even wears a tie-sorta!

Headline I read: Pierre Edmunds, ed-finanance of of Zack Morris throws subtle shade at ladyband that could have been All Saints if you were into that sort of thing (which I WAS).

Yes [I’m an L on that acronym too] and preach it sister (both of you).

Just like the rules of the road. When you drive an Audi YOU ARE ENTITLED TO GET IN THIS LANE NO MATTER HOW MANY CARS ARE ALREADY THERE.

I am from the place in Indiana (I think? Holla back with your proximity to Allisonville Road, dude.) where this math-defiant twatwaffle is ordering her dumbfuck pizza, and here’s the thing EVEN IF YOU WANT TO DEFEND HER FRACTION FUCKUP YOU CANNOT DEFEND HER DELIVERY.