they really just ought to load this up as a disclaimer in every damn article written about the subject so that the conversation that follows doesn’t rehash these very points.
they really just ought to load this up as a disclaimer in every damn article written about the subject so that the conversation that follows doesn’t rehash these very points.
mcafee > kluwe
this is good kinja.
“Big Thinkpiece” is as American as apple pie. I mean, MB, what are the Federalist Papers if not “Big Thinkpiece??” Pffft.
Lort have mercy.
NBC can rot in hell. That’s the primary reason I had to pivot to the directional model. I put the new antenna where the old direct tv stand was. The line already threaded in the rear of the house where central direct tv cables routed. I was able to more or less plug into the existing line that shot to my living room.…
NBC can rot in hell. That’s the primary reason I had to pivot to the directional model. I put the new antenna where…
Always. I mean, always, “upgrade” to a directional model, if possible. I’ve burned through a half dozen models trying to get finnicky, yet major channels over the airwaves. We settled on a directional, outdoor mode that I had to install on the roof. Not ideal, but the paper-thin models didn’t do shit. Curious to hear…
Always. I mean, always, “upgrade” to a directional model, if possible. I’ve burned through a half dozen models…
If it’s not, then they have a live rapist on campus at the moment. Which, that’s unsettling. Curious whether the kid gets named.
Smells like a classic Trump Administration Friday afternoon news dump. What are you hiding, Tracy?
just registering my fondness for PJ’s written word. big-time addition to my day. appreciate you.
this mother. fucking. horse. shit. cock. balls. damn. FUUUUCKING. symbol. the only use i have for this thing is that it helps me differentiate which neighbors not to invite to the christmas party.
further evidence for why david tracy is probably the smartest writer in automotive journalism right now. but let’s be clear that by “smartest,” i don’t mean vapid intellectualism; i mean this: david takes the science and engineering behind new materials and breaks them down in an accessible way. this is rare. really…
I still have a hard time figuring out how these ever got green-lit. They’re awesome, but the business case had to have been awful.
That looks like shit.
Real talk: where do these rank on the spectrum of “wagons with boss powah?”
it’s billy. this is what passes for “writing.”
can i just say that i’m tired of the “white-guy-hand-on-back”move? motherfucker, look: take a knee and sit with this man, or GTFO. you’re not an ally if you’re all “Well durr durr durr, I respect Civil Discourse, so I’m gonna disagree, but still love that guy!” you’re complicit and a pussy.
hot hatch 🔥
luckily their fate rests in the hands of a fine, well-oiled institution with a storied history of smooth transactions, swift agency, and level-headed propositioning that is routinely capable of crafting upright, ethical, and forward-looking policy that assists the downtrodden and vulnerable.