
smh. i have a firm 1 hour, 30 minute limit on church. if you can’t get it done under that time-frame, then something’s wrong.

depressing, but vital.

this clearly reveals who engages in day-drinking


trump, osteen, my mother, the nice coworker a few offices down: they are all the same goddam person. the see-no-evil, #notallwhitepeople crowd have just as much blood on their hands as cheeto douche-o-lini.

fuck you, republicans. fuck. you. if you belong to this gross-ass party, and you’re a disapproving (white) person just twiddling your thumbs—this pain and blood is all over your hands.

uni prof here in the deep south. i lambaste that orange goat-fucker every opportunity i get. thankfully, i teach political science, which means that this happens every day. just so we’re clear: fuck that dude.

SAVAGE. but true.

bless you all. sending love, praying for mercy.

I will ride with this take. Also, please ungrey me.

Kicked in college on a smaller stage. Once you get the yipps—you’re fucked. And not the run-of-the-mill tightness but the “oh fuck, please heavenly hosts help me” yipps. It can get to a point where you literally dread taking the field. I replace a dude for which this happened; it was sad to watch, but, selfishly, it

This is the good stuff

the wedding ringer was OK for a hate-watch. ride-along is dogshit; about last night is dogshit; think like a man and think like a man too? dogshit. central intelligence? the rock was nice. get hard? more like trying too hard. soul plane and scary movie 3? low-hanging fruit.

internet fam: what’s the deal on KH? i’m solidly “neither funny nor interesting,” but, I dunno, maybe I’m missing something.


killed me. this is the ghost of federale coming back from the dead to register his approval.

BB is the people’s man!!!1 Future governor!!!1

If your response to this article is anything other than a variation of, “that’s dope,” then mind your mother and keep your damn mouth shut since you can’t say nice things.