M Hudson

Shitposting? troll? You already know the lingo, so you’ll be fine over there! So get to steppin’, chop chop!

Except that you should you’ll be much happier

Wow, way to win them over. Btw, are you worried about the looming bankruptcy?

So it’s perfect for you

Go back to reddit

Wow you’re pathetic

Remember that figure doesn’t include the PR campaign, which is just as big

Clinton has proven herself incompetent at everything but directly using others

Wow, keep shilling for Hillary. By the way, we could all use that apology

Good spin!

And yet somehow he’s a better journalist then all of you combined

That was an amazing.... load of crap. How desperate do you have to be?

Oooooooor you can fuck right off

Did you even vote?

You mean are upset about a clearly corrupt and destructive candidate?

You’re trash

Welp, it’s time to go to the Green party

Maybe getting drunk alone is a bad idea

Wow way to race bait

Wow, Anna, you really are depraved