I find it funny that you all believe her
I find it funny that you all believe her
I hope they succeed, a moral panic is a poor excuse to strip the public of their rights
He’s black
Or due to the reduced pound, their export market see’s a signifcant uptick in profitability
HAHAHA we don’t need your filthy kind
They have been unable to negotiate trade deals outside of the EU. The EU NEEDS the UK, so ultimately, this will work out
They can’t support themselves
Or maybe people are tired of being bossed around by germans
A new generation of rifles that go “PING”. It’s not the best future, but its not the worst either
The narrative changed from cooperation to conflict
It is but the media machine is making any excuse to spin this as a rascist thing
Did you double check your sources on this one?
I’ll take “Things that never happened” for $200, Alex
The party of peace
You’re halfway there
People who aren’t retarded
Tell that to the smarmy, soon to be unemployed, hipster who wrote this article