M Hudson

They seem to be fine when it’s Occupy Wall Street or DNC Anti Hillary Protesters ... hmm ...

So civilians are injuring/killing other civilians. This is supposed to improve relations between police and the community?

The only person that I have seen that said he had a book was his daughter, who did not even witness the incident. I could possibly have missed someone else saying it, but the “he had a book” story is weak, at best from what I can tell.

I have only one request for a car “for ladies”-- a place to put my fucking purse that’s not the passengers seat! How hard is that?


Jizzebel is leaking.

Sorry I really don’t see the problem with this.... If there is an issue can someone please explain it to me.

Dont you dare use logic! cals = fat! this is a internet blog they need someone to blame for them being fat

The framing in these articles, that you should consume no calories ever for any reason because they’re all evil, is really dangerous in and of itself, speaking as a person with an eating disorder. You don’t want all of the calories to be burned off. Many of them are needed to, you know, keep the body alive and

You think femnazis understand logic?

It’s a play on the term “No Man’s Land”.

“The most flabbergasting news out of Bloomberg’s report concerns Apple’s purported choice of video card manufacturers. Especially in light of Gurman’s claim that Apple wants to woo gamers with its MacBook Pro update.

Riri? Or is it pronounced “ri-ri”? The whole thing sounds like pandering to me. I’m not against non-white, non-male characters but she’s screaming “racial stereotype” in my opinion.

Anyone who uses “problematic” unironically in reference to fictional character romances needs to seek mental health counseling.

This is an excellent way to unite the party, by relentlessley making fun of Bernie’s supporters, calling them “Bernie Bros”, children, spoiled, racist and by cherry picking one or two hold-outs and acting as if that’s all his supporters, despite poll after poll showing Hillary pulling in 90% of us, far more than the Hi

It probably didn’t help that the movie flopped.

Uh oh, WHITE GUILT ALERT. Shut the fuck up

Maybe you could write an article on the positive impact the game has had for individuals who have had issues with agoraphobia, social anxiety, and other mental health issues.
