M Hudson

They seem to be fine when it’s Occupy Wall Street or DNC Anti Hillary Protesters ... hmm ...

So civilians are injuring/killing other civilians. This is supposed to improve relations between police and the community?

The only person that I have seen that said he had a book was his daughter, who did not even witness the incident. I could possibly have missed someone else saying it, but the “he had a book” story is weak, at best from what I can tell.

I have only one request for a car “for ladies”-- a place to put my fucking purse that’s not the passengers seat! How hard is that?

You think femnazis understand logic?

It’s a play on the term “No Man’s Land”.

This is an excellent way to unite the party, by relentlessley making fun of Bernie’s supporters, calling them “Bernie Bros”, children, spoiled, racist and by cherry picking one or two hold-outs and acting as if that’s all his supporters, despite poll after poll showing Hillary pulling in 90% of us, far more than the Hi

It probably didn’t help that the movie flopped.

Uh oh, WHITE GUILT ALERT. Shut the fuck up

Maybe you could write an article on the positive impact the game has had for individuals who have had issues with agoraphobia, social anxiety, and other mental health issues.

It’s entertaining dropping by /r/SandersForPresident and seeing how much they’re freaking out about this. It’s about 30% “guys, obviously he was going to do this” and 70% “I am personally betrayed by him he has sold out all is lost democracy is dead Clinton is a liar vote Jill Stein”


You'll stay home. Who are you kidding??

I will most likely vote for Clinton, but all I can think of is the scene in Animal Farm where Napoleon kills Snowball and then presents Snowball’s plans as his own

Why is the whole brexit thing being split across party lines in America with liberals going remain and republicans going leave? It seems like most people have no idea what any of this actually means or what the EU actually is. I’m a liberal, and I fully support the UK regaining control over their own country.

awful timing. Muslim just murdered 50, another tried to murder more in texas and you are waxing poetic about a bullshit religion that throws gays from roofs and subjugates women at this exact very moment.

I assumed leaving the EU was a financial decision.

If this goes through it won’t keep anybody safer, none of the mass shooters we’ve seen in the news were on the watchlist, this legislation wouldn’t have stopped the legal purchase of the weapons used at Pulse or at Sandy Hook.

It’s about time