M Hudson

So she’s hanging out with a vicious antisemite

Pretty much, always remember to turn on adblocker certain on this site kids!

True but there was at least some single player content that would help new players get acclimated

Based on this review and the season pass advert that offered 6 fighters to the roster, I transferred my pre order money to another game. I can’t justify spending $90 upfront for an incomplete game.

Wow you’re a fag

That’s the problem, these writers have likely never read or understood his reasoning, they can only see the surface (i.e. “He didn’t decide in favor of Affirmative Action and Universal Abortion?! He’s evil!”) In this new age of sensationalism, honesty and balanced reporting are alien concepts to these “journalists”


Nice article, did you apologize yet?

Your trolling is atrocious


If you can’t handle being a troll, then maybe you shouldn’t be one. Otherwise, you’re just too boring to troll

You were picked last for gym class weren’t you?

So a garbage city is acting like garbage and can’t handle the massive influx of homeless they attract but are incapable of helping. Color me surprised

you mean people use uniformed protesters to boost their careers? I’m shocked!

Now you’re trying too hard, you need to just head back to reddit

Literally what I’ve told you, you’re boring,

Now you’re stealing my shtick, you really suck at this

Yes, you are shitposting

Lol, fag