M Hudson

What are you even trying to say? do you even know what you’re talking about?

HAHA, fag

Git gud Mike

Sorry lib, your social policies and anti business stance have given exactly what your leaders want: a second class that only votes blue. These tragedies are the price you pay

A smack on the behind is one thing, but you don’t bring weapons into the mix


Dumb concept made by dumb people

When the right revolt you say “bomb them” When a fat liberal tells you to do the same thing, you jump to attention

You know times are rough for gawker when the only things generating traffic are curse words and baby pictures

Get over yourself

You realize they’ll use them on the feds right?

Underrated post,

Go write one ya privileged brat

Hey Anna, were you even there? And did you apologize yet?

He’s right and you can’t come up with a better argument, so you took someone else’s... nice

I do kinda feel sad for them on level, they traded their emotional health for their careers and now they’re suffering for it. I mean how many posters on Jezebel are single?

Pics or it didn’t happen


Bzzzt, wrong

Shut up