
Please tell me that is a working title

The thing with the this show though is... not a ton really happens, does it? Sure, when stuff DOES happen it tends to be a flashy, big deal, but for the most part, this show seems to be about 90% vibes. Which I do enjoy. But I wouldn’t say this show is particularly plot-reliant.

That is because the people in government actually know that the bodies that manages voting tends to be bipartisan and that in order for there to be massive voting fraud it would require both parties cooperating (at least on a local level). Texas to be enrolling illegals that would require the mostly republican’s govt

he was never a genius though...

For authoritarians/totalitarians, it was a good thing that he bought Twitter, as his staff tear down any opposition to them now.

If Texas was a swing state than Ted Cruz would be gone so quick. He’s only still around because he’s a Republican in Texas and he hasn’t gotten on Trump’s bad side yet. Trump can use a cowardly blobfish who won’t stand up for his wife or father’s honor in order to hold on to what little power he has.

Seems Elon is wrong a lot.

You’re a fucking idiot.

He’s just so fucking god-damn stupid.

You are safe space?

I am just realizing the original Walking Dead series ended. I don’t recall this site even reviewing the series finale when it aired. 

Four year olds also like to eat paste...

feels more like fan service than compelling storytelling”

I love the meta aspect of a show about zombies itself becoming a half-dead, directionless, shambling carcass that goes on forever. 

If NASA can’t prevent this I worry about all the other space debris waiting to fall back to earth. At least NASA seemed to have a plan. How many other companies putting things into orbit even bother with a potential re-entry plan?

So it sounds like Elide made their product specifically to bypass current regulations around fire extinguishers and are now upset that their product is being regulated anyways? Because who would want regulation around FIRE SAFETY equipment in the first place, right?

Why would anyone be wondering?

Oh Allen’s just talking about a reboot so he can rant about “woke Hollywood” when it inevitably doesn’t happen.

A reboot wouldn’t need Richardson, because it’s obvious that at least some time in the intervening 25 years, Jill Taylor 100% would have wised up and left her asshat of a husband. Tim Taylor in 2024 is definitely a divorced sad dad living bitterly alone, unable to grasp how his current state of a affairs is a direct

Introducing the Tuesday night keynote speaker at this Summer’s Republican National Convention.