
A) Most parents aren’t terminally online dorks or regular Fox News watchers, and thus don’t care about “wokeness”

If parents don’t want their kids seeing politically charged woke content, parents aren’t going to subscribe to Disney+ or take their families to Disney movies.

If having women, people of diverse gender identities/ sexual preferences, and ethnic / racial /religious minorities in film and TV is “political” or NOT “family friendly”, the problem isn’t Disney. It’s you.

Are you kidding me? What you mean to say is that popular media no longer contains politics that you like.

All media is political, it’s ridiculous to act otherwise.

it’s almost as if gender fluidity is... fluid.

I haven’t seen it yet because it would be a waste of both time and money, but the reviews and opinions I’ve seen online suggest that there’s little in the movie that’s good. It seems like this was a misfire from the beginning. I wonder if she signed on before the final script was written. 

I mean, they could have denied him entry to the event for his attire.  You know, like they do for black people wearing, gasp, anything that wouldn’t make sense to ban unless you are specifically trying to ban black people.

You are saying as if it were a bad thing...

I have yet to meet any normal person who continues to throw the word “woke” around. 

They’re not evil. The price of living in a civilized society is paying for infrastructure and services for the public good. The IRS is the service set up to ensure the payments are made. If we lived in a country where H&R Block did NOT have Congress by the testicles, the IRS would do your taxes for you (they already

Luckily for them, this SCOTUS is very interested in dismantling the entire administrative state. 

Is it Apple? Are they so out of touch?

Yeah. About half the site’s content now is based entirely on whether we are supposed to love or hate a celebrity. If we’re supposed to love the celebrity, then Hollywood should give them absolutely everything. If we’re supposed to hate a celebrity, then it’s terrible that they are doing any work at all.

I’m in favor of reparations but this is a Trump move. 

$19hr won’t get you shit almost anywhere anymore. Not even a small town.

Anyone else miss when Google’s mission statement was “Don’t be evil”?

Kind of a low-risk flex. It’s like me telling you that my Canadian girlfriend is a model, but only does ads for Canadian things. Which is true. Both can be true.

An analyst who owns a ton of Apple stock says: “people are returning it cause they just don’t, like, GET IT, man! Nothing wrong with the product, just people who DONT GET IT.” Clearly you, the wise, sophisticated shopper will get it and will absolutely love it.*

I returned mine, I knew how to set it up. I even 3d printed an adapter that let you use a second solo band as a top strap to take the weight off my face where it was giving me migraines from the pressure. People are returning it because “Spatial computing” was just Apple’s marketing spin to sell a VR headset as

I know this has been mentioned before, but a lot of people, especially social media influencers never planned to keep the device in the first place and probably checked the box next to the return reason that would ensure a full refund. I’m sure a lot of them saw that their video performance did not bring in enough