
Oh man, I laughed so hard at this. Just imagine what people are going to be like when they all start living in virtual reality. You can’t make this shit up.

I think gamestop employees are a bunch of whiny, lazy, crybaby, bitches, who don’t even deserve minimum wage pay. 

Buying more Nvidia stock for sure. Not a single person in these comments can make even a semi intelligent business analysis. One person started off on the right track then went completely off the rails.

sisi jiang, i remember the first article I”ve read of your’s. I think you are the most open minded of all of Kotaku’s writer’s. You are being wasted. Your talent and perspective is being thrown by the the wayside.  Let yourself be free.  

You know what I always liked about you Luke? You always have had an appreciation for the artistic side of things. I am an art guy myself. You know, If I were you, I would start thinking about doing some kind of NFT project around the cosplay communities and concept artists while there is still no one else doing it.

Meta owns beat saber now. They said they want to be an open metaverse so i suppose there is a chance they will put it on all platforms still but my bet would be on no.

Meta owns beat saber. probably out of luck there. 

There is an opportunity for you all here. Ya’ll just need to swallow some pride and start embracing the metaverse and web3. That is where all the money is going and the smart business move would be to follow it. You sure as hell need more VR coverage and why not give The Sandbox open alpha a thorough review without

This isn’t surprising. Web 2 is dying. I figure GO Media is struggling too considering they are jamming ads into every bit of space that they can.

These new auto play ads are super annoying. Just saying. 

guess i gotta wait for Meta Connect in october for Assasins Creed VR. boo

You don’t seem to understand. It will be worth $21,000.

I’d rather be paid like an executive.

Guess the employees should have bought more stock

Hell yeah! Anyone else buy the dip or was it just me? I am up 54% on my Unity stock.

Just another one of Kotaku’s overly privileged white boys trying to act progressive when he knows deep down he is nothing more than a corporate tool. 

All these overly privileged white boys in their 40s with union jobs playing video games for a living bitching about capitalism is beyond pathetic. G/O Media seriously needs to replace all these privileged persons with people from marginalized groups who actually enjoy video games thus freeing this cry baby white boys

I hope it works out for you, I really do. I’ve been involved with a mega corporation that was unionized for a long time and it was shit. It was dumbfounding the stories people had to make up and tell themselves in order to drag themselves into work everyday. People selling off pieces of their soul every step of the

It’s not nearly as bad as you make it sound. 

Funny how all these people who claim to be anti capitalist and anti ceo and anti corporation now want corporations to be responsible for their reproduction. It’s hilarious what mindless tools people are. Have fun being corporate slaves.