
Looks pretty shitty, doesn’t it Zack. I mean why would anybody want to play a POS game like this? Let’s look closer... So on closer inspection this looks to be a game that was started by two Argentinians, a country where 40.8% of the country lives in poverty and 10.7% percent of the country lives in extreme poverty.

Nice writing Mike Fahey. My bets are on Meta aka Facebook acquiring Ubisoft. 

Don’t worry I am used to people not being able to see my vision. Kinda like Elon Musk, who just came out as having aspergers, saying he sees the world differently. And I don’t have a team managing my portforlio, I manage my own. I would suggest you don’t try investing for yourself. You don’t seem to have the

I don’t make much money. I am an educator in a dirt poor community populated by immigrants, refugees, and what some would refer to as trailer trash. I make about 38k per year. I give away pretty much all my money, but no matter how much I give away it doesn’t really make a difference. To make a real difference I need

Its a big risk. Not many have my tolerance for risk. The bubble will burst and a lot of crypto companies will go under. Many already have. I have a well diversified portfolio and my investments have good teams and really smart people behind them. Time will tell who is right and who is wrong

I don’t know. I just cashed in on Activision. 

I don’t think you read the articles. It clearly says NFTs

You’re right. I am going to go kill myself. How do you think I should go about doing it?

BOOM! Just bought stock in Activision last week and now its through the roof. Cashed in on that one quick. 

Bro, I am not a computer scientist and I can’t explain all the technical stuff how about blockchain works, but I have watched a lot of youtube videos on it and just going on that I can see a lot of the amazing possibilities. I might not be right. The whole thing very may well fall apart and a lot of people, including

I can appreciate when someone is able to know the limits of their intelligence. Good for you. 

I have no idea what you are talking about. We are talking about NFTs and crypto. Not your porn collection. 

Luke Plunkett here always trying to hide behind a burner account because he is a coward and he thinks if he posts more articles about people doing dumb things with NFTs its going to change the fact that they are the future of everything. I wish I could be there to see the look on Plunketts face the moment he realizes

I have no idea what that is supossed to mean

You better go the hospital and someone should really send a welfare checkup to your home cause walmart is in. its officially really really bad

You really should tell this to walmart. I think they are in need of your valuable insight

how about walmart is that a legit business use?

Did you hear the story this morning... the one about Wal-Mart and getting into the NFT business? It was just so hilariously because it made me think of how stupid you all are. My investments are looking pretty.

Go work at McDonald’s then

Wow. Quick Google search says the average salary in New York City is 63k. You really need to check your privilege.