Hubert Vigilla


If this were made in the sexist 70s, it would probably star Burt Reynolds and Faye Dunaway

You know, I guess I'm trying to have it both ways, where I'm flippant about the initial comment but also seriously wonder about how the #CancelColbert conversation would be different if it happened just one year later.

I was being a bit tongue-in-cheek, and I think the differences are that Colbert was a known quantity playing a satirical character on a show while Noah is an unknown quantity writing on Twitter, and he's saddled with additional media and moral scrutiny given the position he's inheriting.

Makes me wonder if the slacktivism of #CancelColbert would have had more traction in 2015.

Each film ends with Randy Orton delivering an RKO to a character from out of nowhere.



Habermas' "The Philosophical Discourse of Modernity" will become "Philo Disco Modo"

To capitalize and Brand's cachet as a thinker, Naomi Klein's publishers will re-issue "The Shock Doctrine" under the title "My Shocky Doc"

I'll read their take-out menus, but I sure as hell won't read none of them books of thinkings unless they include a mock-duck option, ya know what I'm saying?

This Michel Foucault biopic is gonna be awesome!

Back up, back up
Tell me what you're gonna do now
Keep LOLin' LOLin' LOLin' LOLin'
Keep LOLin' LOLin' LOLin' LOLin'
Come on
Keep LOLin' LOLin' LOLin' LOLin'
Keep LOLin' LOLin' LOLin' LOLin'

So it's kinda like Martial Law all over again.

A Mallrats sequel is as superfluous as a third nipple

Man, that song is a long and pretentious windy fart

I kind of assume the latter given the whole concept album nature of Machina, and also given how seriously they ran with the pretentious gimmick without winking.

Irony, the penultimate refuge of a scoundrel.

Despite that chunky riff, "Heavy Metal Machine" is probably the worst Smashing Pumpkins song ever recorded. It's so embarrassing.

This sets up the inevitable crossover film that culminates in a Chipmunks/Chipettes-style music showdown.