
Mason Foster - “I hate this team! They suck!”

You don’t know the half of it: Voyager 1 could have become the first spacecraft to fly by Pluto, but they had a choice to make at Saturn. Either they send Voyager 1 on a course to fly by the moon Titan, or they send it on a course for Pluto. They couldn’t do both.

Oh yeah, let’s stick a whole bunch of 98.6 degree critters on the MELTING GLACIERS. YOU ARE NOT HELPING, “SCIENTISTS”. That’s like studying how dry the desert is when you’re sweating all over your instruments.

:shrug: is anyone really that surprised about chinese IP theft anymore?

Avengers Endgame 2.0: “Better Bring Your Astronaut Depends This Time For Sure”

Jalopnik and Eric what do you have against our company to make hateful comments?  I would’ve thought the fact that it has a dodge demon engine in it would be the coolest thing as an automotive enthusiast rather than such hateful unnecessary comments. Tank is a fresh and unique design something most small and large

Those clowns hired the wrong guy for the job. Everybody knows who the best designated hitter is.

It’s a good start, but what I really want to see the US do is make any tech companies aiding the Chinese censorship regime or handing dissidents over for extrajudicial killings or detention liable for crimes against humanity.

Wait until he learns the there’s a NEW Mexico!

I’m angry? Not really. You are the one who apparently takes this “Kids movie” super serious since you think ticket verification is necessary for online reviews. Check yourself bud.

Excuse me you are the one defending a multimillionaire actress as if she is a victim. I’m merely stating there is plenty to criticize about the movie and her acting. Just because she is a woman does not make her immune to criticism. If you have the urge to silence people’s opinions that’s on you. Its not being a

How did you verify that all the negative reviews were because of online sexist campaigns? Maybe a bunch of people just think it isn’t a good movie and she isn’t a good actress? I’m one of them. But I guess that’s not an allowed opinion any more. 

Well nobody else has said it but I will. Not one, but TWO mouth breathers filming vertically. You know, if you stop posting these people might stop doing it. Rewarding bad behavior only encourages it. 

I’m only taking issue with one part of your comment:

Counterpoint: The Deadcast actually answers the age old question about a tree falling in the forest.

For most of high school, my “wife” was also a towel.

Yes, he does.

So...he’s got a student loan. Who doesn’t? He was offered scholarships, and turned them down. He made a choice. If he ends up in the NBA I’m sure a $17,000 loan won’t be s problem.

This comes from a country that has for decades relied on hacking and stealing tech from US firms to compete.